Exclusive Domain for Sale
Make Your Great Brand Today!

Only $200,000 or Lease for $3,333/mo (60 months)

Purchasing Options

For customers ready to purchase upfront, we offer secure transactions via, who will fully guide the escrow and domain transfer process as a 3rd-party company.

Options are available including lease-to-own options for up to 60 months.  This option makes it very affordable to acquire a domain and in most situations brings the cost down to a level that it is comparable to the salary of 1-2 employees.

Financing, equity options, and "Exit Clause" agreements for very minimal percentages are available, especially when the goal is to be aquired by a larger company.  This can be a great option for companies with large plans and making big progress, but need a boost in the beginning to make their dreams become a reality at a faster pace than otherwise possible.

Cost Compared to Relative Expenses

In most cases, at a cost similar to the salary of 1-2 employees, you can skyrocket the growth of your company by making the right decision to have the very best version of your brand name as your domain.

Great Brand Cost

Purchasing the Right Brand Results in Trust

Take a look at our case studies below to see how TeamWork changed the entire trajectory of their company by purchasing the right domain for their brand.  Settling for a poor domain is a red flag that tells your investors and customers that you went "the cheap route", disregarding your brand and the Trust that your customers and investors were depending upon.

How Do Your Investors/Customers Feel About Your Current Domain?

Investors & Customers Notice

Even if a business owner pretends their current domain is "okay", their investors and customers are noticing.  It's a deciding factor on whether investors trust their business, and whether customers (especially enterprise customers) will trust doing business with that company.

Watch this short video clip to see how others view a business that chooses not to go with the best possible domain for their brand.

Is Your Business On a Rocket?

The founder of TeamWork confirms below that since buying their Ultra Premium domain (, their business has been "on a rocket".  Peter describes below how buying their domain was their "hockey stick event".

What is a Hockey Stick Event?

As shown in the diagram below, a hockey stick event is when a company's revenue goes from being relatively flat and stagnant, to having a period of explosive growth.

Could Your Business Use a Hockey Stick Event?

Watch the video below where TeamWork founder Peter Coppinger details how the purchase of his Ultra Premium domain was their Hockey Stick event.  It started a dramatic explosion in his company's growth.  Peter describes that since buying their domain, "the company has been on a rocket".


What Will a Great Brand Increase?

Via all the benefits combined below, buying the right brand domain will lead to increased revenue for your company.  You can see's assessment of what a domain upgrade did for them.

It makes all aspects of the business more efficient.  SEO is more efficient. You'll have more trust so getting customers is going to be more efficient.  Partnering with larger companies will be more probable as well.

Every customer and investor starts out with knowing nothing about your business.  Owning the best domain for your brand gives you instant credibility and instills more trust in the buyer or investor about your company.  Why not start every relationship with the very best first impression you can give?

Be found easier with less effort on search engines by having the very best version of the domain for your brand.

Be THE version of your brand that customers and investors find on the web and get the version of your domain that is the easiest to remember.. It's been shown that companies that purchase the wrong domain can lose 50% or more of their web traffic because customers and investors are going to the wrong address.  Starting off with the right domain for your brand gives you instant recognition for your brand.

Protect your brand from getting diluted in the market.  Purchasing the best version of your domain will keep you at the top forever.  The last thing you want are customers typing in your brand name and being taken to someone else who bought your Great Brand domain.

Many companies grow into other industries as time goes on.  Getting a Great Brand domain usually means you are getting a domain that can be applied to a broader market than what is implied when adding a word to the end or using an extension that is for a more specific industry.

Protect your email.  By not having the best version of the domain for your brand, you risk customers sending email to the better domain, rather than to the correct email addresses within your company.  Often times recipients are not aware that a company has an extra word or is using an abstract extension with their domain.

Instantly gain the appearance as a being a market leader by purchasing the right domain for your brand.  Most customers are going to see your brand for the first time in a search engine.  By giving the appearance that you are a market leader, you are already starting out ahead of the competition.
Revenue & Profits
Brand Trust
SEO Effectiveness
Brand Recognition
Brand Protection
Brand Flexibility
Email Security
Market Leader

Domain Statistics

Domain Industry Trends

Top Domain Sales for 2023

Domain Price Date $3,000,000 01/10/2023 $1,800,000 11/05/2023 $1,500,000 11/05/2023 $700,000 10/06/2023 $600,000 03/26/2023 $600,000 10/24/2023 $450,000 10/24/2023 $400,000 02/22/2023 $400,000 10/19/2023 $400,000 12/14/2023

Top Domain Sales for 2022

Domain Price Date $15,000,000 07/31/2022 $10,000,000 04/15/2022 $3,800,000 06/19/2022 $1,600,000 07/03/2022 $1,600,000 08/11/2022 $1,500,000 04/24/2022 $1,228,200 01/16/2022 $1,160,235 04/21/2022 $1,008,925 02/13/2022 $950,000 03/27/2022